Psycological Support

As part of the services offered to our members, we provide psychological support to them and their families.

What is Psychological Support?

 Challenges are a part of everyday life. Psychological health helps each individual to meet difficulties and obstacles and find satisfaction in their lives. Often, an individual or their family feel great pressure about how to deal with difficulties, which can affect several important aspects of their lives (school, relationships, work, illness, etc.) and create fear, insecurity, anxiety, sadness, feelings of isolation and so on.

The psychological effect of a chronic illness is a common phenomenon, affecting both people who suffer from it and their families. A chronic disease affects not only our body, but also our quality of life.

The role of psychological support is to relieve the person, to support and strengthen them, to improve skills and ultimately to help to develop a different perspective on issues that might be of concern. Psychological support is not only about issues related to a chronic disease, but also helps to cope with simple daily problems.


Who Benefits from Psychological Support?

Psychological support is directed to people with neuromuscular diseases and their families.


It’s about:

  • Counselling/psychological support for children and adolescents
  • Counselling/psychological support for adults who suffer from the disease and/or their caregivers
  • Parental counselling

If you require any further information or you would like to schedule your appointment, please contact us at 210 3616980, 210 3616981 or 213 2013656.

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