MDA Hellas has created and equipped three multidisciplinary units for people with neuromuscular diseases in major hospitals in Greece (Athens, Thessaloniki and Patras) with the aim of providing specialized medical care for patients and avoiding the necessity for them to travel long distances from their homes.
The main objective of these units is to meet the needs of patients and their families through systematic monitoring, so that they can fully enjoy an upgraded quality of life in conditions that ensure their dignity and facilitate their active involvement in the community.
Our priorities are both prevention of complications and social and psychological support of patients and their families. Our philosophy is that “The doctor comes to the patient – and the patient is not “looking” for the doctor”. This is evident from the way the units work. In a friendly, intimate and fully accessible area, the hospital staff is assembled at pre-set days of the week and times to examine the patients.
The first unit for people with NMD to open is at the “Agia Sofia” Children’s Hospital in Athens, the result of a collaboration with MDA Hellas. Since 2002 it has been staffed by specialized personnel of the hospital in independent premises, thoroughly renovated and equipped with state-of-the-art technology by MDA Hellas. It was created with the financial support of our sponsors: Lavipharm Group, Siemens S.A. Electrotechnical Projects & Products, George and Kaity David, the Thanassi’s Lavidas Family, Coca-Cola Hellas and Frigoglass S.A. The operating costs are covered by the A. G. Leventis Foundation.
In its 18 years of operation, the number of our members monitored at the regular clinics exceeds 370 people. Our members are examined holistically with a set of both clinical and paraclinical examinations (spirometry, cardiographs, etc.) that are conducted every Wednesday morning for a few hours. On the remaining days, medical emergencies of each specialty are monitored by appointment. The advantage of this kind of monitoring is that each member is examined by a specific group of doctors, his/her health is checked, and a fully updated medical history is available. More specifically, the unit has the following medical specialists:
If you require any further information or you would like to schedule your appointment, please contact Penny Panagopoulou at 2107482334 or 2132013656 or via e-mail at
The second unit for people with NMD is in Thessaloniki and has been operating since 2007 in the AHEPA University General Hospital, in a fully renovated space equipped by MDA Hellas. It was created through the exclusive sponsorship of Dimitrios Kallitsantsis, in memory of his parents, and its operating expenses have been covered by The Hellenic Initiative since 2015.
The unit serves the needs of northern Greece and also accepts patients from Epirus and Thessaly. In its 13 years of operation the number of people with neuromuscular diseases served in the unit has tripled, which shows that, along with the patients served at the Athens unit, other young patients trust the provided health services on offer. The total number of patients being monitored exceeds 300, both children and adults.
The AHEPA unit is operationally and spatially assigned to the 2nd University Paediatric Clinic, the Director of which is Assimina Galli-Tsinopoulou, The Director of the Clinic and the members of the faculty of Aristotle University of Thessaloniki (AUTh) are responsible for the coordination of the scientific team.
Our members are examined holistically with a set of both clinical and paraclinical examinations (spirometry, cardiographs, etc.) that are conducted for a few hours every Monday morning. During the rest of the week, medical emergencies of each specialty are monitored by appointment.
The advantage of this kind of monitoring is that each member is examined by a specific group of doctors, his/her health is checked, and a fully updated medical history is available. Doctors are divided into two groups, one for children and one for adults. More specifically, the unit has the following medical specialists:
If you require any further information or you would like to schedule your appointment, please contact Eleftheria Schoretsianitis at 2313303534 or via e-mail at
The third unit for people with NMD belongs to the University Regional General Hospital of Patras, in an area fully renovated and equipped by MDA Hellas. The unit was created with the exclusive sponsorship of the Stavros Niarchos Foundation.
It began operations on 23 September 2009 by absorbing cases previously treated in the existing two units, as well as cases belonging to this particular group of diseases that had appeared from time to time in the Neurological Clinic of the University Regional General Hospital of Patras. The unit serves the needs of western Greece, the Ionian Islands of the Peloponnese and beyond. The total number of patients being monitored exceeds 260, both children and adults.
Under the supervision of Professor Elisabeth Chroni, MD, PhD, Director of the Neurologic Clinic and the medical team that supports her in this endeavour, a specific number of patients are served on a weekly basis and full medical check-ups are provided to them by suitable medical specialties related to their condition.
Our members are examined holistically with a set of both clinical and paraclinical examinations (electromyography, peripheral nerve/musculoskeletal ultrasound, spirometry, cardiogram, echocardiogram, etc.) that are conducted during the morning hours every Wednesday and Friday. On the remaining days, medical emergencies of each specialty are monitored by appointment.
The advantage of this kind of monitoring is that each member is examined by a specific group of doctors, his/her health is checked, and a fully updated medical history is available. More specifically, the unit has the following medical specialists:
Also, an important element in health care is the provision of expert services by a multidisciplinary team, whose members are highly specialized and devoted to investigating and supporting patients with neuromuscular disorders.
If you require any further information or you would like to schedule your appointment, please contact Nikos Kasdaglis at 2613 603251 or via e-mail at
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