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The innovative ‘i-bank Pay’ service of the National Bank of Greece is the first banking application in Greece that supports P2P (peer-to-peer) and P2B (person-to-business) payments, allowing for simple and efficient money transfers.

Now you can send and receive money from friends (your phone contacts or friends list on Facebook) or simply by entering their mobile number (and via the IRIS Online Payments service).

Through i-bank Pay, you can make payments at the push of a button and accept payment requests or reject them in a single motion. The application is very simple and easy to use (graphical user interface). It’s as simple as this: select your friend’s photo and send the desired amount.

Money is readily available, as payments are executed in real-time (instant payment). At the same time, through i-bank Pay you can see the history of both the charges and the credits made through the channel in detail.

Additionally, you can also make payments to professionals who participate in the IRIS Online Payments service (e.g. electricians, plumbers, etc.) by entering only their ΑΦΜ (tax identification number) or their mobile phone number.

The most important thing is that i-bank Pay enables you to support MDA Hellas through the ‘Do a good deed’ feature by making your donations in an easy and fast way with a high level of repeatability.

The payment process is extremely simple and quick:

  • Log in to the i-bank Pay app. The donation icon is displayed in your ‘Favourites’ with the message ‘Do a good deed’.
  • When you click the icon, the list of available charitable organizations appears (to which you can contribute with whatever amount of money you want).
  • Select one organization to which you want to contribute, fill in the amount of money and by clicking on the arrow the payment is complete!

‘Do a good deed’ and support MDA Hellas through the i-bank Pay application of the National Bank of Greece!

Link for detailed information about i-bank Pay:



You can obtain this app by clicking on the following links:

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